Tactile images
Tactile images help blind and visually impaired people to envision a scene, or a topic that is discussed.
The tactile images are made of different materials so the structure and shape of the objects on the images can be felt by touching.
We prepared all our tactile images from materials that are easy to find in craft & hobby shops. Therefore, you can create them easily yourself! Check the images below.
Each of them contains detailed instructions, a list of materials you will need to have, a video tutorial, and other downloadable materials, such as a pdf file with all necessary templates.

The tactile image shows several layers of the atmosphere, including the ozone layer and the ionosphere. It marks were meteors and auroras are formed.

This tactile image shows a horizon with houses. Above the roofs, wavy, curtain-like aurora is visible. A piece of fabric hangs down from the back side, showing the movement of auroras.

Radio communication
This tactile image shows how radio communication works. Radio signal is reflected by the ionosphere but it can absorbed during a solar storm and create a radio blackout.

Induced currents
These tactile images show that during a geomagnetical storm, electrical currents form under the ground and can enter the power grid that can cause power outages and failures.

Radiation belts
This tactile image shows two radiation belts where energetic particles are trapped. Satellites orbit on different altitudes: some are outside of the belts, some are inside.

Space weather
This tactile image summarizes space weather sources, phenomena, and effects. This tactile image is the main image we recommend to use with our audio booklets.