Tactile image
The Sun
Various events happening on the Sun and its atmosphere are the main source of space weather.
To show the dynamic structure of the Sun, we used chenille wire that was curved into small spirals. The same material was used to show how coronal mass ejection evolves. It can start as a prominence – a loop that can detach and be released into the space. Coronal mass ejections can also produce solar energetic particles that are envisioned on the tactile image as thick beads.
The reason for using thick beads is that solar energetic particles are not the only particles that flow from the Sun. Constantly, solar wind flows outwards from the Sun.
There are two types of solar wind: slow one that is envisioned here by small and short particles, and fast solar wind that is envisioned as long beads. The small short beads (slow solar beads) flow from the equatorial regions of the Sun, while the long beads (fast solar wind) flow from polar regions.
This is the case when the Sun is not in maximum of its solar activity. On the other hand, solar flares that are typical in Sun’s maximum, are envisioned by different glitters. We used two types of glitters for two different radiation: UV and X-ray. Also, thick beads accompany the glitters, as solar energetic particles can accompany solar flares.
List of materials
The amount and sizes of the craft materials are approximate. You can use similar sizes and amounts – each tactile image is unique!
Chenille wire – total length about 150 cm:
1 piece of 25 cm, 10 pieces of 9 cm -
Glitters – rough structure 3 ml
Glitters – soft structure – 3 ml
Beads: small and round – 10 ml
Beads: long – 15 ml
Beads: large and round – 2 ml
Glue for home crafting
Glue for paper

Download the template and print it out.
Glue 25 cm of the chenille wire on the rim of the Sun.
From 9 cm of the chenille wire create a small spiral and glue it inside of the rim. Repeat with the rest of the 6 pieces until the whole Sun is filled with small spirals.
Take the remaining three pieces of the chenille wire and glue them on the curvy marks that symbolize the evolution of the coronal mass ejection (CME).
Glue several thick beads in front of the CME - the last chenille wire marked as big dots.
Glue both types of glitters separately on the marked space of the solar flare.
Glue thick beads along the glitters.
Now get to the solar wind! Start with the small and short beads and glue them in the equatorial regions.
Take the long beads and glue them to the rest of the space.
Leave the tactile image to dry.
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