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This is the place, where we gathered everything for you. In each topic, you will find a short description, link to the audiobooklet and relevant sounds, tactile images and associated 3D models. All at one place. Enjoy and explore !
Jun 2, 20221 min read
Animal magneto-reception
The sixth sense that humans will never have – magneto-reception. Thanks to magneto-reception, animals such as homing pigeons, salmons, or...
Jun 2, 20221 min read
Space flight
Launching various spacecraft into the outer space is not a rare event anymore. We have tons of communication satellites, reconnaissance...
Jun 2, 20221 min read
Moon exploration
Moon is our closest neighbor. It has an important role in evolution of life on Earth and it always attracted humankind for exploration....
Jun 2, 20221 min read
Radiation dose
People might be concern about radiation they get when having x-ray at their dentist. However, is it truly that worrying? Classical dental...
Jun 2, 20221 min read
Earth’s magnetic field
It might look weak, but it is strong enough to protect our lives. We talk about Earth’s magnetic field. With its strength of roughly 30...
Jun 2, 20221 min read
Earth’s atmosphere
Imagine that you sit in a car and travel at 100 km/h directly up through the atmosphere. Of course, that is not possible, but let us...
Apr 27, 20221 min read
Solar storm
Did you know that solar storms played a crucial role in history and are still a severe cause of harmful effects on our technology? Many...
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